When you go on vacation, you might have this idea that you’re going to be doing nothing but spending money. And usually, that’s a pretty accurate statement. You might also let yourself indulge a little bit. One more piece of chocolate cake? You’re on vacation. Buy the fast pass for all the rides? You’re on vacation.
But all that money spent is worth it! You get all the cool experiences, all the photos and everything in between.
Even though you may come out in the red, there are ways to make money while traveling, especially if you’re going long-term. What’s better than getting paid while you’re on vacation or better yet, being paid to take a vacation?
Working Remotely
Telecommuting is fast on the rise and many employers are opting for that route. Not only does it boost productivity, but it a way businesses are cutting back costs and going green for the environment.
That’s why many companies are looking for remote workers who can work from anywhere in the world. Many jobs in the marketing, education, insurance, developing and engineering fields are letting workers work from home to complete their tasks. And for you, working from home may be working from your new home somewhere across the globe.
There are lots of remote job websites with daily job postings. You can find the perfect job for you and continue working while you’re off exploring.
Teaching English
It’s no doubt that English is the world’s language. Even though there are less English native speakers than Chinese and Spanish, it is almost impossible to go anywhere in the world without finding English somewhere.
That’s why so many countries are looking for English teachers, either in person or online. Southeast Asia, China, Japan, South Korea, Europe, and Latin America all offer countless positions and places that are asking for native English speakers. Many require little to no teaching experience and will hire you if you: A) are alive and B) speak English.
Even though you may have never pictured yourself leading a classroom, it’s a great way to start!
Running a Blog
Social media is something that was almost an afterthought a decade ago but has now turned into an online giant. Finding someone without a social media profile is like finding a dodo bird, and they went extinct long ago.
One of the great ways you can turn your travels into profit is by starting your blog and subsequent social media pages. You can turn your blog into anything you want really, whether it just be about travel or tips and tricks.
It will take a while before you can turn a profit as you’ll have to build up a solid following, but many people have made this their main source of income through their travels around the world. You’ll largely earn your money through promotions or products or using certain services while you’ve been traveling.
Patience is big in this field. Make sure you’re regularly pushing out content, whether it be uploading photos or writing about your most recent adventure. If you have regular content, people will start visiting your pages on a regular basis and you’ll be able to build up that following.
Working Locally
Depending on the places you decide to travel to, this may or may not be an option so be sure and do some research before you head out on your next adventure.
Many places around the world are pretty desolate until tourist season comes along. They just don’t have the population to be able to staff all the touristy places and landmarks. That means, they’ll be needing people as tour guides, hotel staff, museum guides, bus drivers and countless other jobs.
Even if you don’t feel you have the necessary skills to perform “X” job, there is always some kind of training. Overseas, being a native English speaker is particularly helpful as so many tourists will rely on English when they arrive. You can look for work in hostels, hotels or apartments. On the bonus side, they may even have a place where you can stay for cheap or free. Things in life are best when they’re free!
Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Shopify.com, an e-commerce platform we’ve personally used to make money online. We hope that this post helps you make an informed decision about how to fund travels abroad.