“Do I really need a TEFL?’ is a question we’ve been asked a lot by those interested in teaching English in Thailand. If you are hesitant about becoming TEFL certified, look at it as an investment that will lead to a more successful teaching career in Thailand. Here’s why:
Technically, you don’t need a TEFL to teach. Thailand’s current (but ever-changing) labor laws don’t explicitly state that it’s a hiring requirement. However, just as you wouldn’t want someone to operate heavy machinery or handle your taxes without the proper training, Thai schools want prospective teachers who are aware of and prepared for the challenges they may face while teaching English as a foreign language.
A TEFL is a Qualifier
A TEFL certification is great to have on a resume. As a way to weed out under-qualified prospects and to encourage more experienced teachers to apply, schools like candidates who have been formally trained in teaching English as a foreign language. You may think you won’t need a TEFL if you’ve had prior teaching experience in your home country. Although that experience is excellent, keep in mind that a TEFL course gives instructions on how to teach English to non-native English speakers.
A TEFL Prepares You for a Successful Teaching Career
If you don’t think you’ll need a TEFL, maybe you’ll reconsider after learning the benefits of taking a course. Although many of the information discussed in the course topics may be old news for veteran teachers, it’s immensely helpful to the people who’ve never formally taught before.
Tactics for Teaching Thai Students
A TEFL course shows the major differences in the grammatical structure, spelling rules, and spoken sounds between English and Thai. Being aware of these differences helps you understand why some concepts (that may seem simple to native English speakers) are hard to grasp by Thai students. Additionally, a good TEFL course often shares “tricks of the trade” that can be used in the classroom to help Thai students understand a new concept.
Engaging Lesson Plans
A TEFL course teaches prospective teachers how to create lesson plans or modify existing lesson plans to suit their teaching style and the needs of the students. You’ll learn how to structure a class and balance time between teaching the students and allowing the students to reflect on what they’ve learned through quizzes, games, or projects. It’s takes a lot of effort to develop a great lesson plan!
Handling the Classroom
Teaching for the first time is intimidating. Although Thailand is often known for its well-behaved students, learning how to maintain order is still important for a smoothly operating classroom. A TEFL course should not only suggest how to get a rowdy class focused on the lesson, but also how to present yourself as the authority and handle more problematic students.
English Grammar
When was the last time you brushed up on English grammar? If you’re like us, it might have been high school English…yikes! A TEFL course’s curriculum will cover English grammar fundamentals so that you, the future English teacher, know what you are talking about.
It is possible to find a job without a TEFL?
Yes, but the choices are more limited. You may have to:
- settle for your second or third school of choice
- accept a below-average paycheck
- take a longer commute or work where there are no other English speakers
Reputable schools have their pick of teachers and, without a TEFL, you may be eliminated from the selection. This is not to say that you need a TEFL to get hired, but showing that you’ve earned the certification has its benefits.
If you need a TEFL, we recommend SEE TEFL
For those who need a TEFL company, we recommend SEE TEFL. Not all TEFL courses are created equal, and some do a poor job preparing you for your teaching career.
The highly valuable course offered by SEE TEFL provides all the necessary information mentioned above and reinforces those classroom topics through frequent tests, quizzes, and homework. This company makes sure that you are truly prepared to teach English as a foreign language. If you’re looking for an easy course just to slap a TEFL certification on a resume, you’ll be in for a surprise!
Another great perk about SEE TEFL is that they assist their graduates with job placement. They have a network of schools that they’ve built up over the years that are reputable and maintain a low teacher turn-over rate. SEE TEFL accommodates part-time, summer-time, and substitute positions, in addition to full-time positions. This also includes summer camps, English camps, and even volunteer opportunities. Knowing that you’ll have help finding a job after graduating is huge relief.
Contact Information for SEE TEFL
SEE TEFL offers a very organized and effective four-week course for 1,395 USD. Their Chiang Mai location offers courses every five weeks. Additionally, twice per year – in April and in September – SEE TEFL offers a two-week “Teaching Essentials” training course followed by a four to five month paid internship position as a teacher. This coincides with the start of the first and second semesters of the public Thai school year.
Phone: (081) 885-4144
Email: info@seetefl.com
Website: www.seetefl.com
Enroll: Course Dates
A TEFL is Worth the Investment
We advocate earning a TEFL because it helps to secure a teaching position in Thailand and it prepares you for a successful teaching career. Since so many prospective teachers come to Thailand without prior teaching experience (as it was for Angela), finding a great TEFL course to take is well worth the investment.
We owe a big thanks to Alana from Paper Planes Blog, who could only say great things about her experience there. We wish we had known about SEE TEFL sooner!
Hi! I have been reading your blog for 3-4 days straight now haha – absolutely FANTASTIC! I was wondering if you could help. I have just returned home (UK) from a holiday in Bangkok & Phuket…loved it there! I have years of experience living in foreign countries (half my life in fact lol) and really want to make a go of it in Thailand! I am 29, don’t have a degree but am seriously considering doing a TEFL course with SEE TEFL in Chiang Mai. I have read everywhere that you need degree level education to obtain a work permit… Read more »
Hi Megan. Nice that you’re going with SEE TEFL. That’s who we recommend :) A TEFL will give you an advantage in the industry, especially if you don’t have prior teaching experience. The thing is, you can’t legally teach without a degree. So although you can make money ‘under the table’ – usually at language centers or schools that don’t meet the criteria to sponsor your visa and work permit (ie, schools that aren’t very well off or won’t pay a lot) – you’ll have to find another way to get a visa (tourist visa, education visa, volunteer visa, etc).… Read more »
Is it possible to do a 1 month class room TEFL course and get work after if you don’t have a teaching qualification already?
By teaching qualification do you mean teaching experience or you mean a teaching certification or degree? Yes, you can work immediately after completing a TEFL course if you have teaching experience. We recommend SEETEFL because they will place you at a school once you’ve completed their course. No, you cannot (legally) work if you do not a higher education degree.
My husband and I are considering early retirement in order to travel and experience various cultures. I have over twenty years of experience teaching elementary aged children. Currently, I am an elementary school principal. I have obtained a Master degree in teaching English as a Second Language, as well as a Master degree in administration. I spent a year teaching English as a Second Language to adults at a local university, and I am interested in teaching adults in Thailand. Everything I’ve read so far in your blog refers to teaching elementary aged children. Is there an opportunity to teach… Read more »
My experience was teaching primary/elementary school but there is a huge range of opportunities, from pre-school through high school to college (university) students. There are also full-time tutoring opportunity for adult students (business English, etc) at, er, tutoring centers. Especially since your background is in ESL, we think you’ll be a great candidate anywhere you apply. Good luck!
I have written on the same topic on my blog and i was curious to know how useful a certificate was in Thailand. It seems it’s pretty much the same everywhere, TEFL not essential but preferable. One of the advantages of having one is to be recruited early so you have plenty time to get ready (visas and all) while non certificate candidates are usually recruited late, when they have noone else for the job. I would recommend CELTA certificate as well, expensive yes but highly valuable. Totally worth it and recognised almost everywhere in the world.
If you find a good TEFL agency and take the training to heart, a TEFL is valuable for any first time teacher (which accounts for many applicants, myself included). A CELTA is another great addition for those looking to refine their teaching skills, travel from country to country, and as an alternative to teaching school children. Thanks!
It’s very similar case to China. Having a TESOL or TEFL certificate is a big advantage, but even if you are not qualified teacher, you can still get a job as long as you are Caucasian and you are willing to teach.
Right. I guess it comes down to a personal decision. Do you want to dive in inexperienced, or do you want to get a little valuable training and a TEFL certification. Both are options, but we think the TEFL prepares those with zero teaching time. Thanks for the input, Agness! Hope you are doing awesome! :)
Isn’t it more important that you have a degree? I heard its illegal to teach without one even with a TEFL.
Yes, absolutely. You are actually required to have a degree to obtain a work permit in Thailand. If two people apply for a teaching position and both have degrees but only one has a TEFL, the position will almost certainly go to the TEFL holding candidate. See our teaching requirements post for more info on the legal requirements.