300cc honda forza thailand

Our new 2013 Honda Forza in Chiang Mai, Thailand

After renting a little beat up mo-ped for a week, it was time to start looking for a motorbike of our own. We had been on the prowl for a few days and had narrowed it down to two bikes – a Honda PCX (150cc scooter) and a Honda CBR (250cc motorcycle). Although we had several people recommend the PCX, we ended up surprising ourselves with the purchase of a 2013 Honda Forza (300cc maxi-scooter). We’ve had it for a week and are really happy with our decision to go with it.

We initially overlooked the Forza because it looked like such a monster parked next to the other bikes in the show room. But after doing some research, we realized that the Forza would make us both happy because it was a combination of what we liked between the 150cc PCX and the 250cc CBR. While I had wanted something that was passenger-comfortable and had a decent amount of storage room (under the seat or external storage rack), Chris wanted something that was more substantial in size and that had more get-up.

Forza Pros

  • Smooth Ride: Between the power, the larger wheels, and the ultra wide seat, it is comfortable enough for longer rides.
  • Extreme Storage Space: Includes enough room under the seat for two full faced helmets, has two small front compartments (one even has a plug-in spot for a phone charger), and can also be equipped with an external storage rack.
  • 11.5 L (3 gal) Tank : This should take us about 350 km (220 miles) per tank.

Forza Cons

  • Big: It’s heavier and significantly longer than the average scooter, making handling and parking a bit more challenging.
  • Wide Turning Radius: Similar to a motorcycle’s, it’s not possible whip around a u-turn like a smaller scooter.
  • Expensive: This bad boy cost $5800 USD, but still less than the supposed $7k price tag when released in Canada in 2014.
Thailand Honda Forza 300cc

Another shot of our 2013 Honda Forza

Before we purchased the bike, we had to provide a residence certificate, which we obtained from the Chaing Mai Immigration Office.

The bike came with a free helmet and backpack, three year warranty, as well as personal injury insurance. We also purchased additional insurance on the bike itself, a second helmet, and a wheel lock. We bought everything through credit and paid a 3% service fee, but we were able to take advantage of our credit card’s rewards program.  Although the Forza was a bit outside of our budget, we have absolutely no regrets!

Oh, and we get a kick out of this ridiculous Honda Forza Commercial.  Too many cheesy one liners to choose from!

Evidently, now that we own one, our Forza will allow us to do all things that are amazing in this world.  Right…

For those of you in Chiang Mai, honk if you see us driving by on this big white monster!


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